Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Hoover Test

Alfie passed. With flying colors. He got out of the way when the vacuum came towards him (unlike River, who has to be bumped repeatedly before she will move), but didn't hide under the furniture or attack it (like Luna tries to do). So the three black dogs can be in the vicinity while I run the vacuum. This is good.

Since our heat index has been roughly 110ยบ (and I wish that was an exaggeration), not much has been accomplished this weekend.

This evening, Alfie and I worked more on his sit. I started with just reminding him of the cue with multiple, quick repetitions. And then I started asking for longer and longer spans of time between clicks and NOT tossing the treats so that he would remain in position. He did excellently.

What he did not want to do, however, was be lured into heel position. This is how I've always taught a finish left (the lure can easily be faded to a hand signal), but I think this time I may try teaching it with platforms and pivot discs.

Tonight, we also spent some time working on engagement. We are currently taking a class with Denise Fenzi online. I'm working to build a desire to work with me and a drive in Alfie to make those interactions happen. This is just the very beginning for us. :)

If the topic of engagement interests you more, I'd recommend taking a long look at Denise's blogs on the topic...

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